In the light of the holiday, I will list some of the numerous blessings the Lord has bestowed upon me.
First and foremost, thank you God for sending Your son, Jesus, to die for me. Without Him, I would not have the wonderful gift of salvation nor the promise of Heaven.
I have the craziest and most amazing family in the world. My loving and giving parents, insane little brother, even more insane little sister, two pairs of the most wonderful grandparents, awesome cousins, two aunts, two uncles, a number of second/third cousins, great uncles, great aunts...the list goes on and on. I am so thankful for each and every one of them. I love each one of you :)
My best friends. There's no way I could get through high school, let alone life, without y'all.
I don't know what I would do without music. God has blessed me with talents for it and I can't imagine my life without song, piano, or choir.
JESUS. Best Friends. Music. Quotes. Books. Boys. Love. iPhone. Dark Green. Pictures. Sleepovers. Texas. Stars. Twilight. Titanic. Harry Potter. Yellow Roses. Text Messages. Disney. Deep Conversations. Dark Chocolate. Romance. Shakespeare. Nail Polish. Cardigans. Taylor Lautner. Leonardo DiCaprio. <3
Friday, November 27, 2009
DC, Day 4
Our last day in DC :( It was extremely difficult trying to fit in everything we wanted to see because almost everything opened at 9 AM and closed at 5:30 PM, leaving not enough time to try and go to all these places. It was hard but I think we managed to get in everyone's favorites. Mine was the Library, Ryan - The White House, Mom - American History Smithsonian, Karis - Lincoln Memorial, and Mimi said she loved everything. At about 9:30 that morning we headed to the Air & Space Smithsonian. This was definitely Papa's favorite place. He loves to learn how everything works and the mechanics of machines.
After the Air & Space, Mimi and I went off on our own to look at the Smithsonian castle. The others took a cab back to the hotel to watch the football game.
After we walked around the castle, Mimi and I headed to the Natural History Smithsonian.
Our flight home left at around noon the next day. We were sad to see DC go, but I was anxious to get home to my own bed and my own home. Our trip to DC was amazing, and it's up there with my trip to Disney World 3 years ago as my favorite. :)
DC, Day 3
Karis was feeling better on this day. Her temperature had gone was down and she was acting normally again. Still, my mom wanted to be safe and keep her in the hotel for at least half the day. While Mom and Karis were at the hotel, Ryan, Mimi, Papa, and I went out to the Capitol building and the Library of Congress.
I took ALOT more pictures of the inside of the Capitol, but the lighting was terrible and you can't really tell what anything is. The had a tunnel in the Capitol that took you to the Library, so we opted for that. Anything to stay out of the rain and cold.
Mom gave the OK for Karis to leave the hotel, so the two of them met us at the American History Smithsonian. They had a cafeteria under the museum where we could eat lunch.
Abe Lincoln's top hat.
DC, Day 2
On the second day, it was pouring down rain and the high was only 45. Karis was still very sick with a high fever, so she stayed at the hotel all day with Papa. Mom, Mimi, Ryan, and I went out into the rain, while the 3 of them donned ponchos. I was way too embarrassed to wear one! Haha.
We walked around 15 blocks to the White House. I have never done that much walking at one time in my life. Most of it was uphill as well.
DC, Day 1
Thanks to this break from school, I have FINALLY been able to sort through all of my DC pictures and post them on here. We left right after school on October 13th and flew to Chicago O'Hare, then connected to DC. We got to our hotel around midnight. Needless to say, we were all exhausted and couldn't wait to start the next day.
We took a trolley tour around the city to look all around and decide where we really wanted to go while we were there. 5 days may sound like a long time, but there is SO much to see that it was impossible to fit everything in that amount of time.
We hopped off the trolley at the Lincoln Memorial. This day happened to be Karis's birthday, so she got to pick where we stopped that day. Without hesitation, she said she wanted to see Lincoln. I guess she must've learned some about him at school?...
Our next stop was the Arlington National Cemetary. It was neat, yet sad at the same time. There are over 300,000 soldiers buried here, dating back to World War I.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
So sorry!
I promise I will get my DC vacation stories put up soon! I have had like, no time to post since I took SO many pictures. I'm still alive, I promise!
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