Well, September has for sure been on of the hardest months I've had in a long time. & it's only halfway over!
School is...really tough. I'm only taking 2 advanced classes, instead of the 4 they offer, and even with my two regular classes I feel like I'm drowning in schoolwork. English is usually my best subject, and I have absolutely no problem with it. But this year? No. I'm getting a B right now, and that's alot of time and effort put in to getting that B! Ugh, and don't get me started on Algebra 2. I'm failing at the moment. For any of you that have known me for ANY amount of time, you know that I simply just don't fail classes. Well, I am right now. I'm borderlining a D, and if I get good grades on the past couple homework assignments, I'll get it up to a 60. It's stressing me out.
On the positive note:
Chemistry I'm doing surprisingly well in. I have an A! I thought it was going to be sososo difficult, but I actually get it! AND I got my driving permit on Tuesday! Which means I will be able to get my license on my birthday :) :) :) I passed the test by only missing one question (there's no actual driving test required to get your permit, it's a 20 question test on a computer) and it only took me about 5-10 mins. Getting the actual permit at the tag agency took longer, hah! So, I'm very happy about that, and I'm glad staying up til 11:30 the night before reading the manual paid off! :D
All I can ask is that if you could say a little prayer for me and my schoolwork, I'd really appreciate it. I didn't know sophomore year would be this hard. Hopefully things will start looking up from here. :)
Oh, and also the doctor called and said my heart monitor scans were fairly normal, and he doesn't think my heart is the problem. *sigh* I kinda wish they could just figure out what is wrong, cus this blacking out and fainting stuff gets really annoying, really fast. Frustration!
I'll post something soon, when my life doesn't revolve solely around school anymore!